4 | 2022
One Thousand and One Defeats: An Anthropology of the Vanquished
Editado por Giacomo Mantovan y Michèle Baussant
À la Une
- One Thousand and One Defeats: An Anthropology of the Vanquished
Mille et une défaites : une anthropologie des vaincus
Mil y una derrotas: una antropología de los vencidos
Mille e una sconfitta: un'antropologia dei vinti
Mil e uma derrotas: uma antropologia dos vencidos
- One Thousand and One Defeats: An Anthropology of the Vanquished
Penser les catégories, réfléchir les pratiques théoriques
Dossier – One Thousand and One Defeats
— An Anthropology of the Vanquished —Editado por Giacomo Mantovan y Michèle Baussant
Defeat as a Form of Reflexivity: Democracy Activists and the Failed Arab Spring in Jordan
Transcending Defeat through Play: Sport in Dictatorships and Concentration Camps
Requiem for a Sacrifice: Mourning Narratives of the Tamil Tigers’ Defeat
Israeli Jews against the Wall: (Anti-)Colonial Narratives of Defeat
Towards an Anthropology of Defeat: Rethinking the Aftermath of the Syrian Revolution
Au-delà de la défaite : narrations d’exil des réfugiés de la guerre civile grecque en Bulgarie