Chamadas de artigos

Translated from:
Appels à contributions
Other translation(s):
Calls for Papers
Convocatorias de ponencias
Inviti a presentare proposte


Chamada de artigos – Varia

A Revista Condition Humaine / Conditions politiques se abre para receber artigos para a seção “Varia”. Tais artigos podem abordar uma grande variedade de assuntos, questões ou temáticas, principalmente relacionadas à antropologia política.

Os textos deverão ter de 25.000 a 45.000 caracteres e serão submetidos à dupla avaliação às cegas por pares. Caso sejam enviados antes do final de junho de 2022, eles poderão ser publicados na edição 5 da revista, com publicação prevista para o início de 2023.

Os textos devem ser enviados para o endereço: [at], conforme as instruções para os autores explicitadas no site da revista.



A New Journal of Political Anthropology

Call for Papers

Supported by the IIAC, Condition humaine / Conditions politiques (Human Condition / Political Conditions) was launched in December 2020 by a group of researchers based in France. This new journal proposes to develop and disseminate French and international research devoted to anthropological readings of politics in the contemporary world.

Condition humaine / Conditions politiques aims to mobilize and set in motion the methods, approaches and concepts of political anthropology. It is grounded in the ethnographic method, in anthropological and historical knowledge, both about remote and near spaces, and in anthropological comparison. Its disciplinary boundaries overlap with those of other social and human sciences, historical and political sciences.

For more information

Condition humaine / Conditions politiques is a French biannual multilingual journal. The journal hosts articles in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

All the articles must include a long abstract of 3.000 to 4.500 characters, in English and in French.

The Journal comprises five sections. We welcome authors’ contributions to the Journal’s following sections : Reshaping categories, Turbulences, Varia, Current Debates, and Reviews and Interviews. Submissions to the first three sections are especially welcome.


  • Reshaping categories, reflecting on theoretical practices
    This section analyzes the reciprocation of theories and categories among the various disciplines that deal with the political (as an) object of scrutiny. The aim here is to apprehend the current renewal of political anthropology through an ongoing conversation between theory and field.
    (Contributions from 25.000 to 40.000 characters.)

  • Turbulences
    In this section we wish to account for the points of disruption, semantic shifts and muddling of categories that arise in current media debates and deserve particular attention from persons committed to scientific and civic engagement.
    (Contributions of around 15.000 characters.)

N.B. : Here are a few examples of themes present in current debates that may inspire contributions to Sections ‘Turbulences’ and ‘Reshaping categories’ :
— ‘Racism’, ‘State racism’ and ‘Anti-racism’ ;
— ‘Universal’, ‘Creolization’ and ‘Métissage’ ;
— ‘Beyond Intersectionality ?’ ;
— ‘Genesis, uses and misuses of a category : what is islamo-leftism ?’ ;
— ‘Thinking the gap : from anthropological decentering to historical anachronism’, etc.

A set of articles on categories, theories, and topical issues that are the subject of scientific debate and controversy may be proposed for publication in the Current Debates Section (see below).

  • Varia
    Feature articles that focus primarily on political anthropology are published in this section, as well as contributions on visual arts, musics, litterature, etc.
    (Articles from 25.000 to 45.000 characters.)

  • Current Debates
    This section focuses on specific issues, practices or geographical areas. Multidisciplinarity is welcome.
    (Articles from 25.000 to 40.000 characters.)

  • Reviews and Interviews
    This section welcomes reviews on books (15.000 characters) and Interviews (15.000 to 35.000 characters) with persons identified as major contributors to the field of political anthropology.

Instructions to authors