Condition humaine / Conditions politiques subscribes to the principles of peer review. Within the journal, the responsibility of peer review is assumed by both the editorial board and outside reviewers.
All proposed articles are to be submitted anonymously. The name of the author shall not be disclosed to the evaluators. The author will not be informed of the reviewers’ identity. The reviewers are selected by the issue coordinators and the editorial board, under the supervision of the journal’s scientific committee.
The final decision to publish the article or not is made by the editorial board.
The journal only publishes previously unpublished papers, with the exception of translations. Any article submitted to another journal simultaneously will be rejected.
Anonymization of contributions
The name(s) and contact information of the author(s) (e-mail, telephone number and postal address), as well as their institutional affiliation, shall be stated on the abstract and keywords sheet, in a separate file from the paper itself.
This set of information will not be transmitted to the reviewers.
Presentation of the articles
The article must be submitted by e-mail, as an attached document, in Word or LibreOffice format.
The text must be presented in Times New Roman, size 12, line spaced 1.5. It must not contain any typographical enrichment other than italics: no style sheet, no tabs.
The number of signs (including notes, bibliography and spaces) varies according to the section for which the contribution is submitted:
Reshaping categories, reflecting on theoretical practices: 25,000 to 40,000 signs;
Turbulences: 15,000 to 30,000 signs;
Current Debates: 25,000 to 40,000 signs;
Varia: 25,000 to 45,000 signs;
Reviews and Interviews: book reviews, 15,000 signs; interviews, 15,000 to 35,000 signs.
The title is to be translated into English. The article is to be headed by abstracts in both French and English of 3,000 to 4,500 signs and five key words, also in French and English.
It is recommended to limit the number of footnotes and to favour bibliographical references.
Illustrations are to be attached in separate files.
Images are to meet the technical requirements for editing in Lodel (indicated on the OpenEdition website, House of Journals and Books:
For each image, the following information are to be indicated: title, name(s) of author(s), and the license under which the author(s) agrees on circulating his or her work (photograph, drawing, diagram...).
The author is to ensure the readability and quality of the images.
The graphics must be provided with their source, in Excel, not in any "image" format. The backgrounds of the graphs must not be rasterized. All data are to be inserted in the Arial font (size 10 for sources and legends).
Quotations, inserted with French quotation marks (« … »), will be integrated into the body of the text (without indentation) followed by the reference in the following format: (Author’s name, year, page).
« L’espace de l’anthropologie est nécessairement historique puisqu’il est précisément un espace investi par des groupes humains, autrement dit un espace symbolisé. » (Augé, 1994, p. 14)
Notes and references
They shall be limited to the strictly necessary, indicated by an automatic call for footnotes that will appear in continuous numbering.
The call for footnotes is to be placed within the quotation (unless it concerns several quotations) and ahead of the punctuation mark.
Bibliographical references
All references must abide by the following guidelines:
NAME(S) First name(s), Full title, Place of publication, Publisher, year (first year of publication).
Collective books
NAME(S) First name(s) (dir.), Full title, Place of publication, Publisher, year (first year of publication).
Conference proceedings
NAME(S) First name(s) (dir.), Title of the work, date and place of the conference, Place of publication, Publisher, year.
Article published in a scientific journal
NAME(S) First name(s), « Title of the article », Title of the journal, volume, number, year, p.
Chapter published in a collective book
NAME(S) First name(s), « Title of the chapter », in NAME(S) First name(s) (dir.), Title of the work, Place of publication, Publisher, year, p.
Article published in the proceedings of a conference
NAME(S) First name(s), « Title of the article », in NAME(S) First name(s) (dir.), Title of the work, date and place of the conference, Place of publication, Publisher, year, p.
Academic works (dissertations, theses, reports)
NAME First name, Title, degree/discipline, under the direction of First name Last name, Place, university, year.